North Cascades National Park, WA
For every half week trip (5 days or less) you take and pay for, you bank $50
For every 1 week trip (9 days or less) you take and pay for, you bank $100
For every 2 week trip (10 days or more) you take and pay for, you bank $150
Every trip you have taken in the past counts towards your bankroll and can be used
towards your next trip
Your bankroll never gets smaller, even after using your credits
Fatpacking is still small enough to keep track of your bankroll, however we are
working on user accounts to keep track of these things.
The Maze District, Canyonlands National Park, UT
For every half week trip you book, you can discount your next
trip by the amount of your credit, up to a maximum of $250 off
For every 1 week trip you book, you can discount your next
trip by the amount of your credit, up to a maximum of $500 off
For every 2 week trip you book, you can discount your next
trip by the amount of your credit, up to a maximum of $700 off
Your credit only increases. It does not decrease after applying it towards a trip
If you pay by credit card, you will automatically receive your discount
even though the shopping cart may be too stupid to indicate the discount
If you pay by PayPal, you will be charged full price, but receive a refund
Discounts are not retroactive to trips you have taken in the past
Credits cannot be used for a stay-in-a-lodge trip (even though no such
trips are currently scheduled). However you still bank credits for taking such a trip.
Heart Lake, Olympic National Park, WA
You hiked the Olympic Trip in 2007 (2 weeks), Shenandoah in 2009 (2 weeks), Florida in 2010 (1 week),
Hot Springs in 2014 (1 week) and Dolly Sods in 2015 (half week). Your credit is $150+$150+$100+$100+$50 = $550
If you book the 2-week Yellowstone 2016 trip, you can deduct $550, so your total cost is
$1925 - $550 = $1375, and you have raised your credit to $550 + $150 = $700.
If you decide instead to book the 1-week Arches National Park Trip in 2016, you can only
deduct the maximum of $500, making your total cost $1275 - $500 = $775, and you have increased your credit
to $550 + $100 = $650.
This promotion begins on June 1, 2010, but we reserve the right to
change the terms or discontinue it at any time.
Terms were updated on October 28, 2014 to include half week trips.
Terms were updated on November 29, 2015 to increase bankroll limits.
You can see the previous terms here.
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