
"It was one of the best things I've recently done in my life.***

Jim E., Redwood National Park, 2006, Highway2Health, 2007, Shenandoah National Park, 2008, Shenandoah National Park, 2009

"I am sure I will enjoy my next Fitpacking trip even more than I did the first!***

Anne M., Appalachian Trail VA/WV/MD/PA, 2012, Sedona, 2013, White Mountain National Forest, 2013, Arches National Park, 2014, Shenandoah National Park, 2015, Dolly Sods / Monongahela National Forest, 2015, Great Smoky Mountains, 2016, Acadia National Park, 2016, Cumberland Island National Seashore, 2017, Gila National Forest, 2017, Acadia National Park, 2017, Superstition Wilderness, 2018, Sunshine Coast Trail, 2018, Great Smoky Mountains LeConte Lodge, 2018, Yellowstone National Park, 2019, Appalachian Trail Primer, 2019, Isle Royale National Park, 2020, Shenandoah National Park, 2020, Florida National Scenic Trail, 2022, River To River Trail Thru Hike, 2022

"I schedule the rest of my vacation time AFTER I have booked my Fitpacking trips for the year. I only wish I would have found Fitpacking years ago.***

Jim G., Cumberland Island National Seashore, 2019, Superior Hiking Trail, 2019, Isle Royale National Park, 2020, Ouachita National Recreation Trail, 2020, Death Valley National Park, 2021, Sedona, 2021, Porcupine Mountains / Organic Food Trip, 2021, Great Smoky Mountains LeConte Lodge, 2022, Acadia National Park, 2022, Ouachita National Recreation Trail, 2022

***Disclaimer required by Google: These are testimonials from our customers. We cannot guarantee that your experience, fitness gain or body composition transformation will in any way be the same as theirs. Just because they had something nice to say about Fatpacking, doesn't mean your experience won't be far, far inferior to theirs.